Lori Gonzalez shares how she's "boots on the ground" at El Nido School District, a small, rural California district with fewer than 200 students.
Superintendent Lori Gonzalez knows the value of being “boots on the ground.” That may seem easy in El Nido Elementary School District, a California district with one building and fewer than 200 students.
But cutting her teeth as an administrator in larger districts, she learned how important it was to engage firsthand with students and teachers. By staying present in her community, she’s managed to make enormous strides toward community support of the district.
In this episode, Superintendent Gonzalez shares how she and her small team are transforming lives and changing the future of El Nido—whether it’s through increased access to technology, improved community support, or even building a gym.
Lori Gonzalez (@LoriGonzalezEDU)
El Nido (@ElNidoESD)
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